
Practical Medicine for Every Household – The Home Doctor

Do you have a question about your health that you’d rather not ask your doctor? Is something about your diet bothering you, and don’t know who to turn to for advice? Then look no further than The Home Doctor. This guide aims at people suffering from health ailments which have not yet been to their doctor and are looking for medical information.

If you are uncomfortable visiting your doctor, this book is perfect for you. You can learn more about the conditions yourself and decide whether it is necessary to see your doctor or not. The book contains a section on common ailments, as well as a section on emergency situations.

In the book, you will learn simple and effective ways of managing common conditions, such as abdominal pain, ankle sprains and back pain. The book is a good resource for people who are not comfortable visiting their doctor. It also serves as a guide to help those who do not have a doctor or simply want to know more about medical issues.

The book also contains a section on emergencies that may occur and how to manage them. During an emergency, you need to take immediate action. This book can help.



Exceptionally skilled 12th Degree Black Belt martial art disciple in Chinese Kung Fu Wu Su - Northern and Southern Style Kung Fu. With 3 decades of experience in internal soft and external hard styles of Chinese Kung Fu as well as specialized discipline techniques such as Iron Body, Golden Forearm, Copper Elbow and Steel Leg.

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